Thursday, June 13, 2013


On Thursday, May 2, 2013 at 6:20a.m. we were blessed with our 3rd child, Vincent. Weighed 6lbs 7oz and 19 inches long.

Since I have not mentioned him in my blog yet, I will have to catch up on ALL the Vincent posts.

On our Anniversary, Sept 6, we found out we were expecting. I don't think you can get any better of a gift or surprise than to know you are having another little blessing.

This pregnancy seemed a little harder than the other 2. Maybe because with this one I was in my mid 30s. I did not have any morning sickness. I did have placenta previa, thankfully that healed. Having been diagnosed with it I had to stop exercising. I gained a little bit more weight than with the other 2. Not much more but a lot. A whopping 60 pounds!!
Towards the end of the pregnancy my feet swelled like never before. My skin could not stretch anymore I swelled so much. I didn't have any ankles or toes. It was really bad.

On May 2 I went for my routine weekly appointment. I was told that I am 3 cm dilated and 70% effaced. I didn't think much of it because my babies just did NOT come early. If he did it would only be by a week. If I felt any pain this day it would just be in my imagination because it was a huge coincidence.
We continued with the day as planned and took this day to "nest" and get the house ready for Vincent's arrival.
Well Vincent had plans of his own. After having pretty strong cramps which obviously were contractions we ended up in the hospital. We were checked in a little after midnight.
After a hard and painful night we held our little boy 17 days early (due 5/19).

Now since we didn't have a name picked out I had the important task of picking it. Was it going to be "Vincent Levi" or "Levi Vincent". After agonizing over it, I decided that he looked like a Vincent. Which Big Ricky was thrilled with because that is the name he really wanted. I figured if Hana was a boy she would have been Vincent, so obviously if it was still a top choice after this long it only made sense. I also liked the fact that it is an old name and not too common.

We did have a little set back. Vincent had Jaundice. After what seemed "many" dr visits and needle pricks and laying out in the sun we finally got it under control. Vincent did amazing with the needle pricks. You would have never known he was getting poked. Never a peep from him.

We were able to bring him home on May 4.

Since I know he is my last and I'm a little older I try to take in every second of him. Everything can wait because at the end of the day it will still be there. He's already 6 weeks old and it just makes me so sad. He is growing and changing so fast. If I could I would keep him little forever. I know he has to grow and with this I can't wait to see what God has in store for this incredible little guy.

I thank God everyday for my 3 miracles and how blessed I am that they are healthy.

He's perfect! 

Hana meeting Vincent for the 1st time. 

Proud sister

Teta meeting her nephew for the 1st time. 

Our sleeping angel

Getting ready to go home. 

1st bath at home

He doesn't really care for it

All snuggled and ready for bed. Look how big the NB outfit is on him!!

Hana LOVES him

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