Friday, October 7, 2011


My sister, Vlady had planned to travel the US west coast for 2 weeks!!! Wow!! Starting in Portland, Oregon and making her way down to San Francisco, Calofornia.
My cousin, Martina, from the Czech Republic (who know lives in London) was also flying in for the trip. In my my mind I thought about going, just for the Portland part of it. I would have loved to have done it all, but knew that wasn't a possibility. Portland was on my list of US cities I wanted to see. After much consideration and talking it over with Ricky, we decided I should go. It was a pretty hard decision because  we just closed the furniture store and Ricky was in the middle of starting his new job.
I also knew if I didn't go I would regret it. I have not seen my cousin for 15 years!!! Not only that but I have a dear child hood friend, Aniko, who lives near there. I also have not seen her for 15 years.
Plus it would give me a little bit of time to get away and enjoy time with my sister. We haven't had a trip together, umm I don't think ever.
The trip was amazing. Portland was beautiful, friendly and very laid back. So much nature to see and be in awwww of. I think Vlady and I were excited about seeing hills and trees!! My cousin wasn't really sure what our excitement was about since she sees this kind of scenery all the time in Europe.
The first day was just Vlady and I. We spent it by going to Multnomah Waterfall. A beautiful waterfall! We also hiked the steep 2 miles up the mountain to see the waterfall from above. Breathtaking!!!
The second day when Martina got there we visited Ecola park. This is where a lot of the Twilight scenes were filmed. We might of actually stepped in the same places that Jacob and Edward did!!
The last night we met my friend Aniko and her boyfriend for dinner. It was so great and emotional seeing her after so long. Her family and mine were very close as we were growing up. Somehow we lost touch. Thanks to facebook we were able to reconnect.
On my last day (Sat - Tue) Vlady dropped me off at the airport as they continued their trip south. Sad I couldn't continue with them, but I was happy to get back home and see Ricky and my 2 beautiful kids.
I know this trip wouldn't be possible with out great friends to help out. Stacy and Charles for letting Hana and Ricky spend the night Friday since my flight was at 6am. Lorelei who had Hana all day Monday and Ricky after school and then again after school on Tuesday. Also letting Ricky be dropped of before school so big Ricky could get to work on time. Valerie for letting Hana be dropped of super early on Tuesday and taking her to school. I'm so blessed to have such amazing friends who are willing to help out.
Also I'm thankful that my amazing husband didn't say anything against me going. I know it wasn't the easiest thing to do or probably even the right timing, but no concerns were ever stressed.
Such an amazing trip!!!!
 Seaside Oregon.
 Dinner with Aniko and her boyfriend Cory.

 Having a pint at the oldest brewery in Portland, Bridgeport.  Portland is known for it's breweries.
 Rose Garden. So pretty and smelled so good.
 Japanese Garden.

 Portland has a lot of food street carts. We found a Czech one. We were super excited!!! I had planned to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner there. But it didn't turn out that way. It was so good to have some authentic Czech food.

 Dinner with Aniko.
 Multnomah falls. So pretty!!I think this is one of the tallest falls in the US.

 After the treacherous 2 mile uphill hike. The waterfall from the top.

 Ecola state park.

 Getting warm and having coffee and a pastry.

 Gulash!! Yummy!!! Good but I have to say my dads is a little better. I did want to buy a ton of knedlik (dumplings) to take with me though.


**Sorry the pictures are scattered. I pulled from 2 sources***

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