Monday, March 21, 2011


We always look forward to Spring Break because we get to go visit the grandparents. This spring break we spent the whole week there. From Mon - Fri. We did so much. For me the biggest thing was celebrating Hana's birthday. She turned 4 on Sat. So Thursday we made her a cake (vanilla with vanilla frosting). Grandpa grated fresh chocolate on top. Can you say Yum! I think the cake was gone in 1 day :). Hana also got her first Dora doll. She was super excited. Which surprised me because she hardly ever likes watching Dora. Who knew?!
We went to Doc's restaurant for lunch one day. It was nice. We got to sit outside over looking the water. We spent a lot of time at the beach. Hana loves playing in the sand. Ricky is more interested in getting in the surf. The water was super cold. I had a hard time getting my big toe in. Not Ricky. He was a trooper. He was out there jumping the waves. The whole time while he's out I was praying that I wouldn't have to go in and rescue him. I'm hoping instinct would of kicked in. No joke. The water was C.O.L.D....cold. 
One night we went to Treasure Island where we played putt putt golf. Ricky loved it. He did pretty good at starting out hitting. After that the balls kind of just got rolled in. Ricky was a maniac with the golf club. I got hit in the head one time =(.  Hana she was hot and cold. At times she'd want to hit the ball other times she was more interested in discovering the courses. 
We got back on Fri. Sat we went to Ricky's niece wedding in Giddings. It was nice and fun to get out. I had a good time dancing with little Ricky. I'm embarrassed to admit that he does the "cha cha" slide better than me. Lil Ricky and Hana also danced. It was super cute. Lil Ricky twirled her around. Hard to believe he's 6 and knows how to dance with a girl. Hmmmmmm I wonder where he learned that. 
On Sunday we hung out around the house and played football, raced, bought vegetable plants. Definitely fun and relaxing. 
I think Ricky was ready to go back to school on Monday and see his friends. 
Ricky checking everything out. 
                                                        My angels at the wedding.
                                           Love this picture. I have such handsome boys in my life.

     Ricky is ADDICTED to wordfeud. Yup that's what he's doing now. I need an intervention, please.
                                                        My happy little girl.
                                                        Ricky and his brother in law.
                           I can't get over how good Ricky dances. He was twirling Hana. So precious.

                                                  Ricky and his 1/2 sister.

                Lil Ricky is taking an interest in football. Fun!! Love playing tackle football with him.
                                              Some tackle football going on..... I think
                                         Hana shooting baskets. She made almost every one!
                                              Ricky going for a pass. And he caught it!!

Let the fun begin.


The water was soooooo cold.
Hana very happy with all her toys!
Too busy sticking sand in her suit =(
Yum her birthday cake with fresh grated chocolate.

She's so smart to hold her bangs. No hair fire here.

This is what Hana's hole in 1 looks like.

I can't believe how big my lil boy is!

Ricky made her a bday sign to put on her shirt. So everyone knows it's her birthday.

Ariel =)
Sponge Bob dvd's Ricky bought her. Not really sure who those are for????

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