Saturday, August 21, 2010

First Church Sleepover and Rollerskating

Last Friday lil Ricky had his first Church sleepover at True Vine Fellowship. He had so much fun!! It is the church of big Ricky's good friend so we knew a lot of the people chaperoning. Ricky was so excited to go and can't wait to go back next year.
Since we only had Hana we met some friends at the roller skating rink and had some fun. I roller bladed and  Hana and big Ricky roller skated. Hana wasn't too thrilled during the 1st round but wanted to go back out and enjoyed the 2nd round. It was a lot of fun. I can't wait to go back with lil Ricky.
Dropping Ricky off at True Vine Fellowship

                                                               The Green Team Rocks!!
Hana strutting her stuff

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