Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Last T-Ball Game - Spring 2010

The difference between this years T-ball and last years is night and day. I can't believe how good all of the players have become. Ricky had some players on his team from last year and he also had same coach. Guess what? Yup, they also had the same name "Marios". Another thing that hasn't changed, dad still got on the field with his lil guy to coach him through it. Okay not all games. He did amazing this year. His throwing, running and hitting were great. I was very impressed at his running this year. I think it might be time to find a league?!?!
AT the last few games of the season it became unbearably hot. Even though Ricky was miserable, especially due to his eczema he didn't complain. I gave him ice to keep cool, but that wasn't much relief. At one game he was covered in a heat rash.
One thing we did learn this year is that he does better with a stricter coach. If he is being held accountable to something and is pushed he pushes himself.
A trophy celebration was followed after the game at Willies Ice House where all the boys received a trophy and medal.

Great job Ricky!!! We're looking forward to next season.

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