Monday, March 22, 2010


Wow it has been a long time since I have blogged. We have just been busy and non stop. This Spring Break went by super fast. We also stayed extremely busy.
The 1st Saturday of spring break we met True Vine Fellowship up at The Huntsville State Park. They camped for 4 days or so, but I thought 1 nice sunny day was good enough for me. The nights were cold!!!!
It was a gorgeous day. We got there around lunch time. First thing the kids did was go swimming in the lake. They didn't anticipate on the water being so cold. But they were all troopers and got right in. Later we fished. Big Ricky caught about 8 perch in a very short time. Hana and lil Ricky were great at holding the fish and letting them go.
There was so much food. Especially meat. There are no words to describe how much food there was. I think it could of fed a small village for weeks.
At night the kids made smores by the campfire. Some of the adults played volleyball. Yes, I was one of these. If you know me, than you know I have no athletic talent. For the most part the guys hogged the ball but I did get a few victory shots.
It was an amazing day. It was beautiful, we were with amazing christian people, the food was amazing and we all just had a blast.

Big Ricky is really interested in WWII pilots. So by chance Hooks airport was displaying some of the actual WWII bomber planes on Sunday. It was very interesting to see the size of the planes and just the technology back than. I can't believe how much everything has advanced. To walk through the planes you could almost feel what an adrenaline high it is. Let's not forget the fear that must have been going through these guys as they were out on a mission. These men were definitely brave.

The Houston Rodeo was also in town so we decided to take the kids on Monday. It's a neat experience seeing all the agriculture and letting the kids learn first hand. The kids also had a great time at the carnival. They were more interested in doing the carnival walk throughs than the actual rides. Lil Ricky's favorite was the trampoline where your harnessed and jump as high as you want. It was a great day for the kids.

From Tuesday to Friday the kids and I spent the time in Corpus Christi visiting my parents. The kids had a good time going to the beach. The water was still too cold, at least for me and the kids. But you would be surprised how many people got in. For the most part we caught pretty good weather. Hana also turned 3 on that Friday so we celebrated her birthday with grandparents before we made the 4 hour car drive back home. It's always good seeing my family. The kids love spending time with them and Ricky and Babi (grandma) have a very strong bond.

Like I said Spring Break went extremely fast but it was fun!

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