Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween 2009

Notice Hana is already eating her candy.

Our Jack o lantern this year. Ghost!!

Peter Pan and Captain Hook

Captain Hook

Snow White

Super girl, Captain Hook, Witch and Snow White (All Best Friends)

The kids had a great Halloween. They were kept extremely busy hoping from festival to festival. First on Wed. we took them to a festival at Windwood for the "trunk or treat" and some game time with some of their best friends: The Brennans, Worrells, and Burgans. So much fun and seeing all the different costumes was all worth it.
On Friday we went to Aunt Vladys church, Faithbridge for their huge festival. Babi (grandma) was there also so it was extra special. The kids had fun playing all the games and collecting lots of candy.
Finally Halloween day my lil goblins dressed up as Captain Hook and Snow White. Lil Ricky was the most handsome Captain Hook and Hana the prettiest Snow White. We decided to go around the neighborhood and collect candy. As always our first stop was Michelle and Stephanie next door. They spoil my lil goblins and always give them extra special treats. This year it was pumpkin buckets filled with lots and lots of goodies. We probably could of just gone home after one house. What fun would that be though?
We continued on and got lots and lots of candy. Ricky would greet with "trick or treat, God blesses you" how awesome is he!!!! Hana mostly would just follow with a lollipop or something in her mouth waiting for the candy. They had lots of fun collecting their treats.
Ricky is very good at not eating all his candy and waiting for permission. Candy to Hana is a drug. She is addicted!!! She will hide with her bag of candy and eat till you find her. Her mouth would be full and wrappers surrounding her. One time she hid in Ricky's closet with a lollipop she was not suppose to have.
There was just so much of it that the "candy fairy" had to come and take it away leaving a movie/toy in it's place.

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