Sunday, October 18, 2009

Student of the Week!!

We are so proud of lil Ricky! He received student of the week for the Windwood Academy. Transition through 5th grade. Each teacher nominates a student and Ricky was picked -- Woo Hoo!! He is such an amazing little boy. Extremely caring and helpful.
A few weeks into this year he received student of the week for his class. Which we thought couldn't get any better. But to get student of the week for the entire academy is big news.
We are so blessed to have him as our child.

This past week we had a teacher/parent conference with Mrs. Hogan. She informed us that he is doing great in school and that she has no problems with Ricky. To brag on him some more, everyday the children have an opportunity to earn a star on their conduct card for the day. Ricky is the only kid in the class who earned one every day.
He is doing well socially as well as academically.

Okay did I already say how proud we are of our little guy and how lucky we are to have him?

We love you little guy!!!!

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