Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Another Great Corpus Trip

The only picture I was able to get of them together. I tried everyday,

Hana playing in the sand.

The kids with Babi

I had to bribe her to get somewhat of a smile out of her.

Ricky excited about boogie boarding

Look at him go - YAY!!

She would not pose for anything.

I have no idea what he's doing but he managed to engineer something.

Nope, no smile

Hana getting ready to catch some fish.

I have decided to take the kids to visit my parents in Corpus Christi before the summer is over and school starts. They love going to the beach and visiting their grandparents. We stayed from Tuesday till Sunday. Everyday was spent at the beach. Our days went pretty much like this. We woke up, had breakfast than went to the beach till lunch, ate lunch relaxed till about 5pm and than went back out again till about 7:30pm. The morning beach time was just me and the kids. At times it was hard because Hana wanted to play in the sand but Ricky wanted to be in the surf. I had to leave Hana by herself to play. I watched her the whole time!! Thankfully at times someone would sit and play with her so she didn't have to be alone. The evening beach times my mom, Hana would be with me so it was much easier.
The beach had a lot of waves this time. I'm not very fond of waves. The kids loved it though. They love jumping them. Ricky learned how to boogie board. I was so proud of him. He caught on extremely fast and he never got discouraged when a wave would just pummel him. Seeing him catch a wave and the excitement he got out of it was priceless. A lil older boy was boogie boarding near him and just talking to him so he taught Ricky a new phrase "totally dude" so for days it was Ricky's new phrase.
I think I brought most of the beach home with me. I have sand galore in my car.
It was a great trip!!!

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