Monday, August 24, 2015


I can't believe this is Ricky's last year of elementary. I remember holding his hand and guiding him to kindergarten. How big and scary everything looked. Now he's so confident and didn't want to be walked to class. We let him walk to class by himself, but then we went to visit his teacher, Mrs. Freeman to say hi. He's definitely growing fast and becoming such an amazing young boy  man.
His teacher this year is Mrs. Freeman. We absolutely love her. We know her from boyscouts. Ricky loves her. She thinks she's great and super fun. I'm sure he will be challenged since she has a middle school background and knows what they need to be ready. I also found out that a lot of kids were hoping for her. We are one of the lucky ones.

Hana is entering the 3rd grade!! This is the year where you are not babied anymore =( and the year of the STAR test. I know she will do great. Hana has Mrs. Ruffin. She received the teacher of the year award last year and I know she is highly requested. Hana already loves her. I know she's going to have an awesome year.

Saturday, August 22, 2015


Our family vacation was to Destin, FL this year. I absolutely love the beach and it was perfect. We rented the same condo we always do. It has everything you need. It's right on the beach with an ocean view room. The 1st couple of days, due to some storms the beach had waves. Which was great for boogie boarding. They were a little dangerous at times, with the amount of force they had behind them. They didn't seem much from shore, but when you are square with one and it's taller than you, you have to make a quick decision. Jump or go under. Late afternoon the waves would calm down and the last couple of days the water was perfect. Just 1 set of lazy breakers. The water was gorgeous as always. Super clear. We cooked every meal, but 1. It was much easier. By the time everyone got cleaned off and dressed a meal was made. Some days the crock pot did all the cooking. Best idea I had!! We stayed a whole week. Even though I enjoyed the beach and could be at it all day everyday, my kids would of had a better time if they had friends with them. If we go back next year, we plan to go with families. I miss Destin already.

Before we made it to Destin we stopped in Slidell, LA to visit Barry and Darla. We had a great time with them and are thankful for their hospitality. Uncle Barry definitely knows how to whip up an amazing Jambalaya. Friday while they were at work we visited New Orleans. Just did the normal tourist thing. That city has so much culture. I love it.
New Orleans. Café Du Monde

Swinging in the waves.

So Cute!

Looking for sea creatures. We saw a few small crabs.

Trying to get a pic before a wave smashes us.

Enjoying a popsicle and cooling off.

                                                       Silly boy. Found this pic on my camera.

Riding the waves in.

Waiting for the parade.

We saw Santa!!

Played a little golf.

He loved this gorilla. He insisted it was his monkey. "my monkey, my monkey"

                                              Hana and I went parasailing. It was awesome. It's so calm up there. We saw Jellyfish and sting rays. People that went further out (we were 2nd) saw groups of sharks and sea turtles. We asked to have our feet dipped. Which was great, but when it was about to happen jelly fish appeared very close to us. Yikes!!!

                                                         View from the top.

We saw Navy Seals in training. Awesome!!

Relaxing!! It was perfect

There were always fish around me. I even had a sucker fish trying to latch on. Hana came to the rescue and tried to grab it.

Alligators at Fudpuckers.

                                                        View from balcony!! Gorgeous
Ricky trying to finish his Harry Potter book.

Hana decided to leave me a surprise on my phone .

                                            Vincent liked to share his food with the birds.

Our last night. Absolutely beautiful.