Tuesday, December 30, 2014


The kids cousins Elena and Andrea were able to spend almost a week with us during the Christmas break. They had a great time playing, but we also tried to keep them entertained. We took them roller skating, Target, Fudruckers and the big trip was Moody Gardens for the Festival of Lights.
It was a cold day, but it was fun. We did the Aquarium before we walked the lights. Along the way we stopped and warmed up with some hot chocolate. On the way back we stopped for dinner at a Mexican restaurant. I know the kids can't wait till they can visit again.

Sunday, December 28, 2014


Christmas came extremely fast this year. It was extra special because my parents were able to be here and celebrate with us. On Christmas Eve we had our traditional Czech dinner. Which was fried catfish and potato salad. Unfortunately my sister and her family were not able to make it. With her having to work it just didn't fit into their time schedule. After dinner we went to church. My mom came with us. Pastor Kevin gave a great message. He is so easy to listen to. It was a wonderful candlelight service. After church we headed to Humble to participate in my sisters in laws family Christmas tradition. I had a horrible headache so I was miserable. The kids had a great time. They are a great loving family and I'm blessed that they include mine into theirs.
The next morning the kids woke up to Santa presents. Ricky got his karaoke machine that he wanted from Santa. Other stuff were tennis shoes, shirts, books, games, gravity car. Hana received zoomer, clothes, darn yarn, trendy glasses, legos. Vincent lawn mower, fort, Elmo, bath puppies, cars, ........ 
I definitely made Santa's nice list this year. I received black boots, Uggs and gift cards. 
It was a great Christmas. My favorite part was spending quality family time together. Especially since my parents were here. 


My chocolate ornaments from Czech. So good!

Hana's ornament 

New family ornament