Thursday, September 9, 2010


On September 6, 2010 Ricky and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary. Wow I can't believe it's been 7 years!! I remember going through marriage counseling and you had to be married 7 years to counsel and it just seemed so far away. I guess with everything it just sneaks up on you.
From doing a quick research this is what I found is the basic definition of the 7 year itch - Seven-Year Itch is the inclination of some to become unfaithful to their spouse after seven years of marriage. Most of these marriages end in the 8th year.
It seems that the 7 year for some reason is the year you find out if you make it or not. Supposedly the most divorces happen during the 7th - 8th year of marriage. This is so sad. One study said that divorces are on the rise that it should be the 2 year itch. Well no matter what year itch it is I plan on making it through and growing old with Ricky. There is so much to look forward to as a couple.
Ok I rambled enough about the 7 year itch. The 7 year anniversary gifts are: traditional wool or copper. Modern: desk sets.
Which I received neither!! I got something much better. Ricky and I were able to take an anniversary trip to San Antonio. Just the 2 of us!! Thanks to his sister, Lynn who watched Hana and Lil Ricky from Saturday to Monday. The kids had a blast!! They were so excited to meet all their cousins. Thank you Lynn and Gary!!!
Ricky and I were able to do some touristy stuff in San Antonio. We went to Market, walked the River Walk, Coyote Ugly,  Fiesta Tx (thanks to Lorelei who saved us $100 with ticket discounts). We had such a fun time riding roller coasters. On the way back we stopped by the San Marcos Outlet Mall. I went very light on Ricky and barley bought anything.  It was such a great trip!!!
              In front of the Alamo
At Fiesta Texas

                                                        My handsome husband!!

                                                 In front of the oldest Cathedral in the country

Dear Ricky,
You are more than I could of ever wished for in a husband. You are an amazing father, you have a very giving heart.You are an extremely hard worker. Sometimes I don't even know where you get the energy from. You do so much for our family.  
I know we go through rough times but our love always prevails and we get through it. I love you more each and every day. 
I'm blessed and proud to call you my husband and the kids "daddy". 
Love Always,

                                                              September 6, 2003
                                                                September 6, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Lunch With My Guy

On Tuesday, August 31st we had lunch with Ricky. It was so exciting going to see him at school. Of course we brought him what he wanted. He was very specific in his order - Mcdonalds. We had a great time having lunch with him. It is very interesting to see how things have changed since I was in school.
He was very popular this week because on Thursday Aunt Vlady had lunch with him.