Saturday, April 24, 2010


We had an exciting week with some great things happening.
Ricky learned to ride his bike with OUT training wheels. I thought this would take a very long time for him. Especially since we were on and off (more off) with the practicing. One evening it just clicked for him and he took off. Hooray!! We're so proud of our little guy.

I'm not sure if this is an achievement but it's big (at least in my book). Ricky was registered for Kindergarten. It seems that the time came so fast. I remember bringing him home and him being so helpless. Everyone always said that the time flies and they were absolutely right. It flew!! So we officially have an enrolled Kindergartner.
It really hasn't effected me yet, but I know on that first day of school I might be a total wreck. This is big stuff!

Hana has been in gymnastics since Feb. of this year. When she wants to be she's good. We were approached by her coach that she's opening a class for a select few this summer and it's by invite only. Hana was one of the invited ones.
We're so excited about her potential, and very proud of her.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


I know i'm posting this late, but better late than never. Right?
The kids had a great Easter. They started the week before with Windwoods egg hunt and activities. Windwood always puts on a great Easter festival with tons of eggs (Hana found the golden egg) games, rides and crafts.
Easter weekend, Saturday the kids had another Easter egg hunt at trinity.
On Easter day we went to church and spent the rest of the day being at home. It was a great Easter.

Most of all we're thankful for God sending his one and only son so we could have eternal life. Jesus is our savior!!