Sunday, October 18, 2009


Lately a few thing got me wondering. I know kids inherit their parents or family genes. That is hair color, eyes, nose and so on. But can they also inherit mannerisms. I ask this because both my kids portray something from my parents, their grandparents. Lil Ricky whenever he's concentrating and hard at work he sticks his tongue out. My mom does this. Hana on the other hand twirls her hair and it drives me crazy because it knots up. Sometimes to the point where we just have to cut it. I remember as a child always seeing my dad, her grandpa doing this.
So this brings me back to the question are mannerisms inherited? The human mind is such a complex and incredible machine. It just makes me wonder what is learned and what is inherited.

Ricky and his Minnie Me

Need I say more she is 100% a Pagnozzi

Hana Re-arranges the Q-tips

Hana found a new place for the Q-tips!!

An Incredible Weekend

I think if given the chance this horse would of eaten all the hay for the "hay ride"

Ricky was feeding the carrot to the horse before he let it go.

I'm not really sure what her expression in this one is.

My little cowboy.


How adorable are they?

pancakes, bacon and coloring

Iron Man and Super Girl - what a great team!!

Ricky as a tiger.

Meow and Roar!!!

Ricky feeding the camel

Hana feeding the camel.

Ricky feeding the 1 1/2 month old camel.

This past weekend has been great, extremely busy but great. For one big Ricky took the weekend off. Which to get Sat and Sun off is rare. So that in it self was a treat.

Friday evening started off by babysitting two incredible little girls (exactly my kids age) Logan and Addi. I took all 4 kids to a birthday party. Yes, I know i'm super mom!! Louryl was turning 1 and she had a Halloween based theme where the kids wore their costumes. Ricky was iron man, Logan super girl, Addi bumble bee and Hana ... well let's just say she refused to dress up so she was Hana.
The party was a blast. There was pizza, eyeball punch, dirt cake, cup cakes and on their way home they got a bucket filled with treats. The kids couldn't be any happier. We got home around 9pm and the kids 1st sleepover started. They actually didn't get to bed till around 11pm since we got home so late and the girls needed a bath.
Listening to the conversations between Logan and Ricky are priceless. In the car they were talking about Jonah and the whale. Logan asked Ricky how Jonah got out. Ricky replied with "the whale opened his mouth and Jonah had to get out really fast." In which Logan asks if he had a boat?.
Also Logan had red and blue in her hair, that is the main reason I had to bathe her. She told Ricky "your mom has a lot of work to do with my hair" 100% girl.
The sleepover went great. I'll have them back any day. They are amazing kids.

On Saturday we just relaxed and in the afternoon the kids had a birthday party to go to for a very good friend, Aiden. It was held at a riding stable ranch. The weather couldn't be any better. The kids got to play cow boy and ride horses and go on a hay ride. They had a blast.

Sunday we went to TGR Exotics pumpkin patch. This is my favorite pumpkin patch because it is very laid back. They also have animals you could pet and once in a while you get a treat and get to feed them. The kids got to feed a 1 1/2 month old camel from a bottle. It can't get any better than that. They also got to feed 18 year old camels hay. The camels were amazing. They got to pet ponies in the pasture and see a Joey (baby kangaroo) get fed from a bottle. Other activities were painting pumpkins, hay ride, and face painting to name a few.

When we got home we played sports in the backyard. It was so much fun. We played soccer, football and basketball.

What a great weekend!!

Student of the Week!!

We are so proud of lil Ricky! He received student of the week for the Windwood Academy. Transition through 5th grade. Each teacher nominates a student and Ricky was picked -- Woo Hoo!! He is such an amazing little boy. Extremely caring and helpful.
A few weeks into this year he received student of the week for his class. Which we thought couldn't get any better. But to get student of the week for the entire academy is big news.
We are so blessed to have him as our child.

This past week we had a teacher/parent conference with Mrs. Hogan. She informed us that he is doing great in school and that she has no problems with Ricky. To brag on him some more, everyday the children have an opportunity to earn a star on their conduct card for the day. Ricky is the only kid in the class who earned one every day.
He is doing well socially as well as academically.

Okay did I already say how proud we are of our little guy and how lucky we are to have him?

We love you little guy!!!!