Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Baseball Game - Astros VS St Louis

Hana and Ricky sharing ice cream.

Hana keeping busy

Ricky and Hana enjoying the game.

Ricky excited to be at the game.

Kids watching the game.

Hana being good

Ricky eating his popcorn.

Yesterday Ricky came home from work determined to go to the baseball game. So we did and got there in the 4th inning or so. The kids were so excited!!! We won by 1 point. All I remember from the game is standing in lines. To get popcorn, large soda and 2 foot long hot dogs with chili n cheese took about 30 minutes and $24.50 later. Than I came back down with the kids because they wanted ice cream. So another 45 minutes and $5.50 later. I can't believe they can charge these outrageous prices!! The sad thing is we wait in long lines and pay them. Shame on us!!!! Bottom line the kids had a blast!!! They were so good. I see more baseball games in our future.

Grandparents in Town

Babi, Ricky, Hana and Deda

Ricky and Babi

Ricky threw one of the biggest fits to get a Minnie/Mickey mouse so Babi gave in.

My parents came up from Corpus Christi to visit for a couple of days. My kids love them dearly but don't have the luxury of seeing them often. Which means when they come they get away with a lot. My mom, Hana which the kids call Babi (means grandma in Czech) lets Hana and Ricky rule her. Should I say when Babi is in town the kids are on their worst behavior. But bottom line is they get to see their grandparents and they love it.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th Of July 2009

Ricky and Mike right before the snake swam between them.

About to go out on the Jetski.

Hana and daddy about to go out on the Jet ski.

Ricky after his ride on the Jet Ski - I do have to admit it was choppy out there.

Ricky right before his first time on a jet ski.

Angie me and Liz enjoying the day at the lake.

Daddy and Hana enjoying the water and sun.

Ricky jumping off the dock!!!!!!!

Me and Ricky

We had a great 4th of July this year. It was very relaxed and included everything I love and mean the world to me - family, friends, food and water.
Angie and Kevin invited us to their get together on Lake Conroe. It was a beautiful house right on the lake.
The kids had an amazing time swimming, especially lil Ricky. He surprised us all and was jumping off the dock.
We were able to ride jet skies. The kids had to go out one by one bc there was only one small life vest. They were so excited going out with dad but on the way back they were a little shook up.
The lake was choppy and big Ricky loved hitting air on the waves. For me who sat in the back it was a little scary, hitting waves at a high speed. It was a blast though.
Thanks to Angie, I did get a new fruit recipe. It is extremely yummy.

Variety of fresh fruit i.e. grapes, pineapple, strawberries
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
1 cup sweet rum i.e. Parrot Bay

Cut the fruit up into bite size pieces and set aside.
In a large bowl combine the sugar and water. Make sure the sugar dissolves, microwave if necessary. Add the rum. Add the fruit to the rum.
Let sit for a couple of hours.

Oh, ya lets not forget about the snake that swam right in between Mike and Ricky at night. Lets just say they got out pretty fast.
The evening ended with a beautiful fireworks show.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Isla Mujeres Vacation

NOTE: These pictures are out of order.

Ferry ride back to Cancun - look at the amazing water.

On our way back to Cancun

Picture of the Island from the ferry. Described as a laid back fishing Island.

Sitting at the natural cut out at the hotel. Great for snorkling but right behind the rock i'm on is the incredible force of the ocean. Part of the hotel called Kings bath.

Snorkling in kings bath - notice all the fish

kings bath.

view from the most northern part of the ocean. Someone told me that it's where the Gulf meets the Caribbean. Not sure if it's true, but if so it's right below.

Snorkling in front of our hotel. If you look closely you could see an incredible boat docking.

Where I loved to snorkel by the Hotel. There were some amazing fish and urchins around the rock coral.

Snorkling by the hotel

This house intreged me. It was built right on the water using some of the corral reef rocks. The back door had a few steps and than it dropped off into the beach. The part that is facing us has the beautiful calm water the part on the left has the waves.

Water in front of the house and by the hotel - sea urchins - 2 of them.

Our rented golf cart.

Mayan warrior at dinner in town

Amazing sunset

View from the beach. What separates the calm from the waves.

Ricky and I at lunch.

Me at lunch.

Ricky ate so much picco and guac that it's a good thing I upgraded to the all inclusive. We didn't drink much but we made up for it in picco and guac.

Two COLD Coronas with lime.

Pier from our hotel. There were so many incredible fish swimming around there. Sting rays, baracuda, bloat fish, Dory, yellow Nemo (as lil Ricky says) gar etc..

water at the hotel

In Kings bath

Ricky in kings bath

view from kings bath

kings bath

underwater snorkling shot

house across hotel

snorkling at hotel

sea urchin at hotel

great rocks to snorkel around at hotel

Ricky snorkling

Sting ray by hotel

Sting ray

More snorkling

Ricky giving the OK

hotel beach view

view from the South side of the island - cliffs - extremely beautiful

water hitting cliffs below - south side

cliffs again on south side

Dinner at the hotel restaurant

another sting ray by the hotel

in front of the hotel

by the hotel.

View from where we snorkled our first day. The water is incredible.

Eating lunch at a little restaurant on the island.

snorkling away from the hotel


in front of the Graffon

View from our balcony room. The waves were literally hitting the hotel.

Another view from our balcony.

An amazing sunset.

Sunset from the hotel bar



IAH airport - waiting to depart for our vacation!!

Me saying goodbye to my little man.

Ricky saying goodbye to his lil princess.

From June 27, 2009 - June 30, 2009 Ricky and I were in paradise. I think it was the closest thing to Heaven there is.
First I have to say we are very grateful to Steph and Vlady for letting this happen. They came to our rescue and took Ricky and Hana for a couple of days. Vlady had them from Saturday morning to Sunday evening. I think by than she probably had enough. It's definetly not easy taking care of two young kids. Steph had them from Sunday evening till Tuesday evening. I must tell you she has 3 beautiful girls of her own ages 8 months to 4 years. It was definetly not an easy task for her. So I thought but she's superwoman and managed just fine. Leaving them with Vlady and Steph I was able to vacation with out any worries. I knew they were in great hands and with people that love them.
Day 1 - Saturday
Our plane is scheduled to leave Houston IAH at 11:50 am. We wake up early and take the kids to Vladys. There we unloaded, gave some instructions and said our good byes. I have to say when I was packing the kids bags I was having a very hard time. I haven't been a day with out my babies (only 1 time when Ricy was 19 months) and I was finding it extremely difficult.
So we said our goodbyes and headed for the airport. We decided to drive our car and just park it. We got to the airport 2 hours early. Checked in and just waited and waited. Continental over booked the plane so they were looking for people to take a later flight and in return you got 1st class seats and each person received a $200 travel voucher. I tried but there were to many people willing to take the offer :-( The plane took off on time.
Houston was a beautiful hot sunny day. We land in Cancun and it's a cloudy and rainy day. Did I mention it was extremly rainy!! Here we go again is what I was thinking. We had to take a shuttle to the ferry which was about a 35 minute drive and the ferry to Isla Mujeres about a 15 minute ride. Lets just say we got drenched in all the transportaion.
We get off the Ferry and it's still a terential down pour. Now we have to get a taxi to the Hotel. All the taxis are basically Nissan Sentras. The drainage system wasn't working very well because the water was rising over the curb. When we got in the taxi the water was barley below the door. To this day I have no idea how we made it to the hotel with out stalling. The drive was short. The Island is extremely small.
The hotel was really nothing special. I picked it by location and it definetly had the best location on the island. It was amazing, the location that is.
After we checked in and put some dry clothes on we went down stairs for dinner. By this time I think it was about 6pm. The buffet was surprisingly good. By this time it had stopped raining and we watched an incredible sunset.
After dinner we walked the beach and explored the property a little while but we headed up early and called it a night. We were tired.
I thought all the rain was behind us and 0ver with. I was wrong it rained all night and most of the next morning.
Day 2 - Sunday
We got up to the morning rain. Got dressed and went for some breakfast. Where we waited for the rain to stop. It FINALLY did. Ricky always has this urge to get off the property and find out what else is around. I would of been perfectly fine snorkling in front of the hotel. So we walk into town and rent a golf cart. We started exploring the island. It's a beautiful island. Very small. What was incredible that at some parts it was so narrow you could see the rough Caribbean/Gulf side and the other the protected calm Caribbean side. Both were equally beautiful. Than we stopped at a little beach area where we snorkled and had lunch. Ricky saw a few baracudas while snorkling. Thankfully I didn't or I would of freaked. Now that I think about it they were extremely close.
After a few hours of snorkling and a great lunch of fish tacos and dosequis with lime we headed back to the hotel. We got right back in the water and snorkled some more before where we saw a white sting ray.
About this time we decided to go back up and get ready for dinner. We ended up going to the sit down hotel restaurant. I ordered there enchiladas and Ricky had a tenderloin. I was very surprised at how good the food was. The enchiladas were one of the best I ever had. I could of ate a dozen. Rickys tenderloin had great spices.
After we had a few drinks at the bar and than called it a night.
Day 3 - Monday
We spent the whole day at the resort. We woke up had breakfast explored the island some more on the golf cart before we had to return it. After returning back to the hotel we found a lounge chair and read. Than we got in the water to snorkel. We didn't see much but sting rays which are amazing. Than we decided to walk over to this bridge that connects the hotel to the island. I might add I stepped on a crab. Luckly I was able to pull away fast enough before it inflicted pain. On the other side of the bridge where the water looked different amazingly was a whole new world for snorklers. It wasn't just open beach there was a lot of big corral rocks. Around them were many fish. It was a great sight. I did spot a salt water gar that spotted me also. It seemed it was following and watching us as we were following it and watching it. It was too funny because we didn't know if Gars are aggressive or not so Ricky took off his snorkel mouth piece and was ready to attack it it charged. I'm not sure what damage it could of done but it would of been pretty funny to watch. Thankfully nothing happened. From than on that was my favorite place to snorkel. What was so amazing is just a few feet away was a stretch or corral rock where the waves were just pounding. It was kind of eerie. I think we stayed there the whole day. We decided to go into town for an amazing dinner. While at dinner which was right in the middle of all the shops a few acts came through. One was a Mayan Warrior who put on a great dance. After we got some ice cream and headed back to the hotel.
Day 4 - Tuesday
Our last day. We woke up early had breakfast and went snorkling. We were in the water early. We snorkled for about 2 hours before we had to go up and start packing. We were able to grab lunch before heading out to the ferry. The ferry ride was great and I took in the beauty of the Caribbean water on our way in. We had a 3pm flight and arrived at the airport at 1pm. We had plenty of time to spare.
The island of Isla Mujeres goes by it's own tune. No one is in any hurry. It is extremely laid back.
This was an amazing trip. I can't even begin to explain the beauty of this island or how amazing it was for Ricky and I to have a trip on our own and just reconnect.